CAM News

Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year

Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year

We hope everyone had an amazing holiday! Nutrition4Change shared with us this wonderful read that is all about mindfulness around eating habits in the new year. The benefits of keeping your blood sugar in a healthy range are powerful, and being mindful of this is a...

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Five Easy Steps to Relieve Feelings of Anxiety

Five Easy Steps to Relieve Feelings of Anxiety

"Occasional anxiety is part of our daily life; however, some people feel anxiety more intensely or frequently which can have a significant impact on their everyday dispositions." This article, written by Geezelle Tapangan for Marchand Orthopedic Acupuncture, details...

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Acupuncture Boosts Depression Relief From SSRIs

Acupuncture Boosts Depression Relief From SSRIs

Acupuncture is effective for alleviating depression. This article from the Healthcare Medicine Institute explains the research findings on the efficacy of adding acupuncture to standard drug therapy protocols. This research was carried out by Lin Yiru, Wang Jinyi, Ji...

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Auriculotherapy for digestive problems

Auriculotherapy for digestive problems

If you are looking for a preventative traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment to manage common digestive problems, do consider auriculotherapy in your next TCM appointment. Physician Lee Jin Shun (Eu Yan Sang TCM Clinic) contributed this article to The Straits...

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What exactly is cupping?

What exactly is cupping?

According to its advocates, cupping is supposed to promote healing and has been used extensively for sore muscles. But that’s only the beginning. Cupping has also been used for:   back and neck pain skin diseases such as acne and hives lowering cholesterol...

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The Season of Water

The Season of Water

The power of winter is the power of emphasis: it emphasizes the essence of life. Without the external ornamentation of leaves, flowers, and fruits of the growing season, the plant is just bare essence: a seed, with its potential deep inside, or a tree stripped to its...

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Acupuncture and Chronic Pain

Acupuncture and Chronic Pain

Acupuncture may sound like an exotic—maybe even improbable—treatment for chronic pain. But this age-old Chinese medical practice has been increasingly accepted in this country as an alternative treatment for low back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis, and is now...

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Top 3 Surprises About Acupuncture

Top 3 Surprises About Acupuncture

As someone who’s an acupuncturist, who runs a website about acupuncture and talks to other acupuncturists on a daily basis, it’s easy to become convinced that everyone is an educated acupuncture junkie. But lately, I’ve been reminded that this is not the case. In...

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