How Acupuncture Helps With Your Insomnia

How Acupuncture Helps With Your Insomnia

“Even though there are a lot of medications that are conventional non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments for insomnia that are effective for many people, alternative therapies such as acupuncture are still widely practiced. Research findings suggest...
CV12 & Black Pepper

CV12 & Black Pepper

Enjoy this intriguing read from April Crowell about how East Asian Medicine matches foods with acupuncture points. In this case how black pepper & a point called CV12 produce similar affects.
Auriculotherapy for digestive problems

Auriculotherapy for digestive problems

If you are looking for a preventative traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment to manage common digestive problems, do consider auriculotherapy in your next TCM appointment. Physician Lee Jin Shun (Eu Yan Sang TCM Clinic) contributed this article to The Straits...
The Season of Water

The Season of Water

The power of winter is the power of emphasis: it emphasizes the essence of life. Without the external ornamentation of leaves, flowers, and fruits of the growing season, the plant is just bare essence: a seed, with its potential deep inside, or a tree stripped to its...