CV12 & Black Pepper

CV12 & Black Pepper

Enjoy this intriguing read from April Crowell about how East Asian Medicine matches foods with acupuncture points. In this case how black pepper & a point called CV12 produce similar affects.
Dr. Weil’s Advice on Spices

Dr. Weil’s Advice on Spices

Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing-oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit. Here we are sharing two of his articles regarding Turmeric and Black Pepper, where he...
What Happens When the Heart is Closed?

What Happens When the Heart is Closed?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Heart is compared to a King governing the rest of the organs. It is responsible for our mental and spiritual aspects of health. What can we do when stress, trauma or overthinking closes up the heart? This article from Dr. Xiang...

Medicinal Benefits of Sour Flavor

With spring quickly upon us (East Asian Medicine says that spring energy arrives in early/mid February) it’s time to think about extra support for the Liver & Gallbladder. Some ways to do this: expressing creativity, exercising flexibility of body mind &...